Our Services

Summary of Services:

The SdRC provides services for students with disabilities through customized services including a network of private vendors and providers. The SdRC program ensures that CSUDH’s students with disabilities receive the services and support their need to lead self‐determined and valued education in the CSUDH campus community. SdRC achieves this through the delivery of outreach and coordination services with; faculty members, departments’ administrations, campus educational housing and residential accommodations, campus support services; and the operation of comprehensive quality services by the SdRC’s advisors, staff, and management program.

Click on the services/accommodations below that interest you for more information.

Disability Management Advising

All people, disabled or not, want to exercise control over their lives. At CSUDH we have a service that makes this possible for students with disabilities. We call it Disability Management Advising. Students using this service are given opportunities to explore increasing independence, improve communication with faculty, and evaluate career choices against functional limitations. In addition to individual advising, the office provides training for SdRC assistive technology. Workshops are provided on varies topics such as time management and effective studying habits.

Alternative Testing

University course tests can be administered (proctored) through the SdRC office, with the instructor's instructions; When requesting alternative testing, specific procedures MUST be followed:

  1. Arrangements must be made at the SdRC office a minimum of five (5) or more business days in advance via the SdRC Online Portal. Please review our How to schedule alternative testing YouTube video
  2. You will arrive at the SdRC testing location on time, prepared to take the test.
  3. The time allotted for your test begins at the time arranged to start, regardless of the time you actually start.
  4. The proctor will a maximum of 30 minutes for you to arrive. If you fail to keep your appointment or notify SdRC in advance, you must make arrangements with your instructor to take your exam at a later date.
  5. If an emergency should arise which causes you to miss the scheduled meeting -- you MUST contact the SdRC office at the earliest possible time.

The above instructions are SdRC office policy. These instructions are designed to allow for the provision of needed test alternatives in an effective, efficient manner. It is your responsibility to follow the procedures to receive services through the SdRC office.

Based on assessment of documentation a student can be assigned the accommodation of Memory Aid. Review the SdRC Memory Aid Guidelines for more details. 

Disabled Parking

Disabled Parking is available to the driver of a vehicle displaying a DMV issued disabled person's license plate or parking placard.

A decal is required to park in a disabled parking space. Parking in a disabled parking space without the proper decal will result in a parking ticket.

Campus Parking Fee Waiver

Please note as of Fall 2019 there is a new process for receiving parking fee waivers. Please see below for details.

The campus parking fee may be waived for students who have both demonstrated financial need and a hold a valid disabled person parking placard or plates issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Waivers are for students with permanent disabilities, temporary CA DMV Placards will not be accepted. Waivers must be requested each semester. Detailed instructions are provided on the Request for Waiver of Campus Parking Fee form,  please fill out the form and follow the instructions to receive your parking fee waiver.

If you have questions, please contact our office or the Campus Parking Office at 310-243-3725.

Priority Registration

Priority registration enables students to be in the first group of students to finalize registration.

Assistive Technology

The SdRC provides students who qualify with access to a variety of assistive technology. The following is available: 

  • JAWS
  • Kurzweil 3000
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Live Scribe 3 Smart Pen
  • Digital Recorders
  • ZoomText
  • Victor Reader
  • The PEARL reader
Alternative Format Textbooks (E-text)

The Accessible Information Trainer will assistance registered students with obtaining purchased textbooks in alternative format. Please contact the SdRC's Accessible Information Trainer at (310) 243-3660 or sdrc@xlhl.net for more information.

Volunteer Notetakers

SdRC requires all students needing notetakers to first seek volunteers from the classroom.  SdRC will provide NCR-Dual note paper if the student meets the appropriate criteria. If unsuccessful, please follow up with a Disability Management Advisor for further assistance.

Tutoring Services

Tutoring services are provided through the

Time Management Training

The SdRC will provide time management training on a one-to-one basis if requested by the student.

Sign Language Interpreters

Sign Language Interpreters can be requested for registered SdRC students. All requests for interpreters must be made as soon as possible. Please follow the policy agreed to when registering with the office. 

Learning Disability Assessment

A CSUDH student can inquire with our office regarding assessed by our Learning Disability Specialist. The will need to complete the SdRC application online via the SdRC Online Portal and complete the Learning Disability Intake Questionnaire.  

To obtain further information regarding these services, make an contact the office.

Accommodation Notification Letter

At the student's request on the SdRC Online Portal, the SdRC will send Notification for Accommodation Letters to your professors, introducing you and informing the professor that a SdRC student is enrolled in their class. A comprehensive email will sent informing the professor to the details for accommodations.

If you want SdRC to send such information to your professor, it is necessary for you e-sign the required agreement and request your accommodations on the SdRC Online Portal.

Refer the SdRC Online Portal Resources page for trainings on how to use the portal.

Course Modification/Academic Adjustments/Course Assignment Extension

The Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC) acknowledges that due to the nature of a student’s disability, the student may seek a course modification as an academic adjustment. SdRC strongly encourages students to notify SdRC as early as possible. If you are experiencing a disability–related issue that would prevent you, for example, from completing an assignment or course requirement in accordance with course due dates, you should contact the SdRC right away. It is a student’s responsibility to contact the SdRC with a request for a course modification as an academic adjustment, so that the SdRC procedures for the request can take place. If a student makes a request for a course modification as an academic adjustment to an instructor, the instructor will inform the student of the student’s obligation to contact the SdRC office.


The SdRC will review student requests for course modifications as a request for an academic adjustment, and when the student request is for the extension of a due date on an assignment, the SdRC will review the request within two (2) business days of receipt of the request. All requests are reviewed on a case–by-case basis and are provided adequate and thorough consideration by the SdRC team of Disability Management Advisors. Upon completion of the SdRC team review, a recommendation will be submitted to the SdRC Director. The SdRC Director will review the recommendation of the SdRC team of Disability Management Advisors and will notify the student at the end of the two-day review period of the outcome of their request for a course modification, academic adjustment, or extension of course assignment due dates.

If the SdRC supports the modification request, an email will be sent to the instructor. 

If the SdRC denied your request, an appointment will be scheduled for you to meet with the SdRC Director for a review of your request. If you are not in agreement with the decision of the SdRC Director after your scheduled meeting, you will be directed to schedule an appointment with the CSUDH Dean of Students as an appeal.

DH Housing Accommodations

CSUDH University Housing and the Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC) collaborate to provide verified disabled students with housing accommodations. To be considered for these accommodations, please review the procedure on the DH Housing Accommodation Webpage.


If you have any questions regarding any information or procedure contained in this manual, please make an appointment with a SdRC staff person. Contact the SdRC.

Policy Statement

The California State University (CSU) Policy for Provisions of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities prohibits unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of disability in CSU Programs, services, and activities in accordance with, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA); Sections 504 and 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and applicable California state laws. The CSU Policy is consistent with current applicable federal and state laws concerning the non-discrimination of students on the basis of disability.

California State University, Dominguez Hills is committed to providing an inclusive environment, which is responsive to the needs of all students. To ensure this inclusion, appropriate accommodations are provided to students and prospective students who have self-identified with verified disabilities and who require these accommodations in order to afford the students equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others in the university’s programs, services, or activities for which the students are otherwise qualified. Accommodations will not be provided if they fundamentally alter or impact the nature of the program, or inappropriately impede access for others. If, as a result of the interactive process between the University and the student, the University denies a particular requested accommodation, the University will take any other actions that would not result in a fundamental alteration/undue burden to ensure to the maximum extent possible the student receives University benefits or services. The University’s goal is to provide an equivalent academic experience and learning opportunity, not to guarantee the success of the student’s education or career.

These accommodations may include architectural access changes, close-in parking or adapted classroom seating, library assistance, interpreters, extended time and/or alternative format for exams, auxiliary aids, as well as academic adjustments, course modifications or other accommodations necessary for a particular individual’s needs. Please click on the issues below that interest you for more information and schedule an appointment to meet with a Disability Management Advisor to discuss your specific requests for academic adjustments, modifications and all reasonable accommodations. All requests will be given adequate and thorough consideration by the SdRC team of Disability Management Advisors.